Censorship through “Wordsmithing” and turning grammar on its head

[GTranslate]The Federation of Law Societies in Canada’ Annual Report (2017) indicated 127,707 licensed lawyers in the country, 82% of them, 104,497, still classified as “active”.

When combined with approximately 37,000 paralegals (Census 2006), that represents a ratio of one “legal expert” for every 218 Canadians. Their services keep societies “civil” and the marketplace “free”.

But what happens when lawyers seek to silence, repress contrary opinion to favour their client and the Courts allow it to take place, direct – in layman’s terms, order – certain usage of vocabulary/pronouns in a Court environment? Continue reading

Governo Draghi, i punti-chiave
del programma

ROMA – Governo Draghi: qual è il programma? Fra i punti-chiave del futuro esecutivo, al primo posto c’è ovviamente la  pandemia, contro la quale si prevede il potenziamento della campagna vaccinale per risollevare l’economia: far ripartire il lavoro e tutelare le persone che non lo avranno. Altro punto, la scuola, per la quale si prevede l’allungamento del calendario scolastico e il potenziamento del corpo docenti. Infine, apertura dei cantieri, infrastrutture e tre grandi riforme: pubblica amministrazione, giustizia civile e fisco. Le consultazioni in corso con i partiti vertono su questi temi. Si troverà una sintesi buona per tutti?

Update of the Covid-19 Landscape

[GTranslate]Globally, there have been over 112 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data.  Since the start of the pandemic, over 88 million people have recovered and more than 2.4 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.

Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of February 24, 2021, at 12:00pm (EST).

I ritratti “a 45 giri” di personaggi
che hanno fatto la storia

C’è la poetessa che risponde con tre poesie in stile “Haiku”, c’è il navigante che riempie pagine e pagine di ricordi, c’è il pugile che racconta il suo incontro più difficile: quello con una malattia. Quarantuno personaggi si raccontano nell’ultimo libro di Massimo Baraldi,  “Tre giorni nella vita – ritratti a 45 giri (al minuto)” (Multimedia Edizioni, 2019), nel modo più semplice possibile, cioè rispondendo all’invito dell’autore di  raccontargli tre giorni della loro vita: uno bello, uno brutto e uno così-così. Continue reading

Ebola outbreaks in Congo and Guinea

[GTranslate]As the world fights against Covid, a new Ebola epidemic erupts in Africa. The alarm after the discovery of 7 cases of haemorrhagic fever. “We are facing an epidemic,” said the head of the Guinea Health Agency Sakoba Keita, after an emergency meeting in Conakry, the capital of the African country. There are already 3 dead: it hadn’t happened for 5 years. All the people who have been in contact are in solitary confinement. Continue reading

In Italia altri 7.970 contagiati e 307 vittime

ROMA – Scende in Italia il numero dei contagi giornalieri da Covid-19, mentre rimane piuttosto alto il numero delle vittime. Nelle ultime 24 ore sono stati registrati 7.970 nuovi casi di contagio da coronavirus a fronte di 144.270 tamponi effettuati. Lo ha confermato il bollettino diffuso dal ministero della Salute, secondo il quale i morti sono stati ieri 307, per un totale di 91.580 decessi – su scala nazionale – dall’inizio della pandemia.

Vaccines, the government ready to change gears

[GTranslate]TORONTO – The federal government is poised to change gears on the vaccine front. The confirmation came yesterday from Justin Trudeau during a press conference in which the prime minister did not hide a cautious optimism about the latest developments in the vaccination campaign that is about to come to life in Canada. The first factor to consider – underlined by the Liberal leader – is the approval of the third vaccine in Canada, that of AstraZeneca, which has a significant acceleration in the roadmap drawn up by the government in recent months. Yesterday – added Trudeau – the first supply of the vaccine arrived in our country with about half a million doses, which will be immediately distributed to the province and territories. “In addition to this,” he continued, “we are waiting to have a response from Health Canada on another vaccine, the one produced by Johnson and Johnson.” The latter, which in the United States has been able to give the green light by the regulator, could represent the turning point in this problematic immunization campaign against Covid-19, as a difference of all the other approved vaccines in Canada – Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca – to be effective needs a single dose and does not require recall injection. Continue reading


Kapag hinaharap mo ang ibig sabihin nang BAYAN KO, makikita mo tunay na pagmamahal sa inang bayan. Ang katang Ito’y hindi siya ang oppissial na pambansang awit. Walang Pilipino sa buong mundo na hindi na aapektohan nitong awit na Ito.  Itong awit na Ito rin ang nag bigay daan para mabawi ang kalayaan na wala noong ipatupad ang batas militar ni Marcos noon 1972. Itong katang Ito, ay siya rin nag bigay daan para labanan ang puwersa nang happon noong ikalawang digmaan pang mundo. Continue reading