Covid vaccine: testing on children
6-9 years, cases are increasing
[GTranslate]Pfizer and Moderna have started testing their vaccines on children from 12 years of age and hope to have the results of the trial by the summer: according to New York Times (read here: Covid Vaccines for Kids Are Coming, but Not for Many Months), the two pharmaceutical companies could later start testing on children even younger. Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, and AstraZeneca also have similar projects, but they are at a less advanced stage than Pfizer and Moderna. Continue reading→
Dover combattere contro una doppia pandemia
TORONTO – La risposta alla pandemia di Covid-19 può avere alcuni effetti imprevisti, ad esempio una riduzione della prevalenza dell’influenza. Eppure, ha esacerbato una questione oscura e mortale, la crisi degli oppioidi in Canada. Le comunità di tutta la nazione stanno vacillando per i livelli senza precedenti di decessi correlati alla droga.
Update of the Covid-19 Landscape
Please click on image to enlarge.
[GTranslate]Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of March 4, 2021, at 1:00pm (EST).
Globally, there have been over 115 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data. Since the start of the pandemic, over 91 million people have recovered and more than 2.5 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.
Canada, Mexico and the US join forces NAFTA partners seek economic recovery
North America’s economic recovery begins. The governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico are trying to clear the air and resume the spirit of joint work to reactivate the trilateral economy and evaluate strategies around security, climate change, migration and Covid-19, for which they have initiated remote meetings. Continue reading→
Update of the Covid-19 Landscape
[GTranslate]Globally, there have been over 111 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 according to Johns Hopkins University data. Since the start of the pandemic, over 87 million people have recovered and more than 2.4 million fatalities were attributable to the virus.
Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of February 22, 2021, at 3:40pm (EST).
Note a margine
Per la nostra rubrica musicale: le parole italiane nel mondo e “Quando quando quando” di Tony Renis.
I links delle precedenti “Note a margine”:
Luigi Tenco, “Ciao amore ciao”
Rompicapo vaccini, Moderna taglia le dosi per il Canada
TORONTO – Ancora problemi sul fronte vaccini in Canada. Per la terza volta in poche settimane le forniture di vaccino anti Covid-19 destinate al nostro Paese subiranno dei tagli rispetto ai quantitativi previsti. Stando ad alcuni documenti del Public Health Agency of Canada pubblicati ieri in esclusiva da Ctv, anche nella settimana del 22 febbraio.
Abra a porta do Consulado sempre que precise, use a “CHAVE MÓVEL DIGITAL”
25 de Fevereiro de 2021, 17 horas, está no ar, na GoLive Tv o programa “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre”.
Como prometido, na última Quinta-feira da cada mês, o Sr.Cônsul Geral de Portugal em Toronto, Dr José Mendes marca presença para informar a comunidade portuguesa sobre o que respeita à actividade do Consulado.
De forma simples e empenhada, o Sr. Cônsul e seus colaboradores,estiveram neste programa essencialmente para responder as perguntas/sugestões que lhes foram enviadas via Facebook “”. Continue reading→
A square in Italy
for Canadian Heroes
[GTranslate]ORTONA – A square of Canadian Heroes in Italy: it is the one inaugurated last weekend in Ortona, the town in the province of Chieti (Abruzzo) which in December 1943 was the scene of a bloody battle, on the banks of the Moro river, between the Allied force and the Nazi troops: on that occasion 1,665 soldiers fell, of which 1,375 were Canadian, now buried in the Canadian Military Cemetery of Ortona, in English “Moro River Canadian War Cemetery”. Continue reading→
Mr. Wild Does It Again: With Four New Establishments
[GTranslate]ELORA, ON / ACCESSWIRE / February 16, 2021 / Having left The Soho Farmhouse to re-establish Elora as Ontario’s premier staycation destination with the launch of The Elora Mill, globally acclaimed international hotelier Geoffrey Wild is at it again. For those not yet acquainted, Elora is Canada’s hidden gem. It boasts incredible history, a wealth of local art and craft, quirky stores, owner-operated restaurants and bars as well as spectacular natural landscape that rivals anything Ontario has to offer. To the global traveller, this is the Cotswolds of Canada. Continue reading→