Le sénateur Tony Loffreda s’est rendu en Angleterre plus tôt ce mois-ci pour assister au Symposium d’Oxford sur l’actionnariat salarié depuis que le Canada a récemment modifié la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu pour autoriser les fiducies d’actionnariat salarié. Sa visite en Angleterre a été très enrichissante et éducative et il en parle dans cette chronique. (more…)
The Senator Tony Loffreda travelled to England earlier this month to attend the Oxford Symposium on Employee Ownership since Canada recently amended the Income Tax Act to allow for employee ownership trusts. His visit to England was very rewarding and educational which he wrote about in this column.
TORONTO – National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada (NEPMCC) inaugurated, today, its space at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). At the stand, you can find all the main ethnic newspapers currently present on the Canadian publishing scene, in many different languages. (more…)
Il senatore Loffreda scrive del suo recente viaggio in Alberta con un gruppo di senatori.
L’Alberta ospita quasi 5 milioni di canadesi. Con un settore high-tech in forte espansione e un’industria agroalimentare apprezzata in tutto il mondo, rappresenta il cuore dell’industria petrolifera canadese. È anche il luogo che quest’anno ha dato ai canadesi la speranza che Lord Stanley potesse tornare in Canada dopo un’assenza lunga 31 anni. Sono stato tremendamente orgoglioso, questa primavera, di vedere il nostro Paese stringersi intorno ai Campioni della Conferenza dell’Ovest, gli Edmonton Oilers, con tutti i canadesi a fare il tifo per McDavid e la sua squadra, capaci di regalarci brividi ed emozioni al cardiopalma.
Senator Loffreda writes about his recent trip to Alberta with a group of Senators.
Alberta is home to nearly 5 million Canadians. With a booming high-tech sector and a reputable global agri-food industry, it’s the heart of Canada’s oil industry. It’s also the place that gave Canadians hope this year that Lord Stanley would return to Canada after a 31-year drought.