TORONTO – Domenica 12 maggio, Festa della Madonna di Fatima, coincidente a questa solennità, 45 fedeli, pellegrini s’incontrano, presso la cappella dell’Aeroporto di Pearson, Toronto per celebrare la Santa Messa, prima di partire per Medjugorje (Bosnia-Erzegovina)…
TORONTO – Un’eclissi totale avviene quando la Luna si trova esattamente tra la Terra e il Sole, oscurando completamente la luce solare e proiettando un’ombra sulla Terra…
TORONTO – Not every day you have the pleasure of shaking hands and congratulating an Olympic champion. Adriana Leon, striker of the Canadian women’s football team, just back from the Tokyo Olympics where the girls won the gold medal by beating Sweden, wanted to visit the old neighbors and friends of Maple where she was born and who since she was a young girl there they saw her grow up with the ball on her foot. →
TORONTO – Non tutti i giorni si ha il piacere di stringere la mano e congratularsi con un campione olimpico. Adriana Leon, attaccante della squadra di calcio femminile canadese, appena reduce dalle Olimpiadi di Tokyo dove le ragazze hanno conquistato la medaglia d’oro battendo la Svezia, ha voluto visitare i vecchi vicini e amici di Maple dove è nata e che sin da ragazzina l’hanno vista crescere con il pallone al piede. →
International travel destinations to which safe travel is allowed changes frequently; therefore, passengers leaving Canada should double-check their travel plans with the U.S. Embassy or the Canadian Government, as well as their preferred airline.
The Canadian government has strongly discouraged non-essential travel. However, passengers who must travel or are planning a future trip later this year and in 2022 should seek the advice of a certified travel agent.