TORONTO – More and more Canadians are trying to increase their income by doing temporary freelance work, the so-called “gig”, in order to cope with the growing cost of living: this is what emerges from a new report conducted by the insurance company “Securian Canada” in collaboration with the Angus Reid Institute. →
OTTAWA – L’ingerenza straniera in Canada si estende oltre le elezioni e riguarda anche altri settori-chiave della società: è quanto sta emergendo dalle udienze degli ultimi giorni dell’inchiesta pubblica sulle interferenze straniere in Canada…
OTTAWA – Foreign interference in Canada extends beyond elections and also affects other key sectors of society: that’s what is emerging from the latest hearings of the public inquiry into foreign interference in Canada. →
TORONTO – Papa Francesco ha nominato ventuno nuovi Cardinali e fra questi c’è anche l’Arcivescovo di Toronto, Frank (Francis) Leo. A dare la notizia è stato lo stesso Pontefice…
TORONTO – Pope Francis announced after his Sunday Angelus that he would hold a Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals on 8 December 2024, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, in the Vatican: among the 21 new Cardinals, there is Toronto’s Archbishop Frank Francis Leo (in the pic above).