TORONTO – Tomorrow, 11 November, would be Remembrance Day, the day we remember the people who fought and died to protect Canada in past wars. That would be, because there’s a… problem: a lot of Canadians don’t have the faintest idea what these wars are. In fact, there is a new survey by Ipsos – conducted on behalf of Historica Canada, an educational charity known above all for its “Heritage Minutes” educational initiative – which highlights… the ignorance of many Canadians regarding the history of their own country (and history in general). →
OTTAWA – La Cina e l’Arabia Saudita “devono contribuire” agli sforzi internazionali per aiutare i Paesi più poveri alle prese con gli effetti peggiori del cambiamento climatico: a dirlo è stato il ministro federale dell’Ambiente, Steven Guilbeault, mercoledì, a pochi giorni dall’inizio del vertice annuale delle Nazioni Unite sul clima, COP29, che si terrà in Azerbaigian la prossima settimana. Lì, i Paesi dovrebbero negoziare un nuovo obiettivo internazionale per raccogliere i trilioni di dollari che gli esperti ritengono necessari per mitigare gli effetti peggiori del riscaldamento del pianeta…
OTTAWA – China and Saudi Arabia “must contribute” to international efforts to help poorer countries grappling with the worst effects of climate change: federal Minister of Environment, Steven Guilbeault, said it Wednesday, just a few days before the start of the annual UN climate summit, COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, next week. There, countries are expected to negotiate a new international target to raise the trillions of dollars that experts say are needed to mitigate the worst effects of global warming. →
ROMA – C’è un’Italia che cresce: è quella degli espatriati. Infatti, se è vero che dal 2020 l’Italia conta circa 652mila residenti in meno, è anche vero che nello stesso periodo si è registrata la crescita di chi ha deciso di risiedere fuori dei confini nazionali, +11,8% dal 2020…
ROME – Since 2020 Italy has approximately 652 thousand fewer residents. But there is “another” Italy growing: it’s abroad. In the same period, indeed, a lot of Italians chose to reside outside the national borders, +11.8% since 2020. Today the community of Italian citizens residing abroad is made up of over 6 million people: “For some time now, the only Italy that has continued to grow is the one that has chosen to live abroad”, reads the “Report of the Italians in the World 2024” by the Migrantes Foundation, published on Monday. →