Author: Marzio Pelù

The “Canadian dream” is over: the great escape has already begun

TORONTO – How things change: until a few years ago, everyone wanted to come to Canada, from every corner of the world. Today, many children and grandchildren of that “Canadian dream” flee. Tens of thousands of Canadians are emigrating to the United States: the number of people packing their bags and moving south has reached a level not seen in the past decade, according to the latest data from the American Community Survey (ACS) compiled by CBC who in an extensive report also gave voice to some of the Canadians disappointed by their country.  

CORRIERE CANADESE / Lo Speaker Fergus salvato dall’NDP: la differenza fra lui e Rota

OTTAWA – Imparziale o parziale che sia, Greg Fergus rimarrà Speaker della Camera dei Comuni: a deciderlo è stato l’NDP di Jagmeet Singh, che di fatto con i suoi voti ha “salvato” lo Speaker, bocciando la mozione presentata dai Conservatori per chiedere la rimozione di Fergus dal suo ruolo a causa del linguaggio partigiano apparso in una pubblicità per un evento (dei Liberali) nel suo distretto e per altri episodi precedenti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Speaker Fergus saved by NDP: the difference bewteen him and Rota

OTTAWA – Whether impartial or partial, Greg Fergus will remain Speaker of the House of Commons, thanks to Jagmeet Singh’s NDP, which in fact “saved” the Speaker with its votes, rejecting the motion presented by the Conservatives to ask the removal of Fergus from his role due to partisan language in an advertisement for a (Liberal) event in his district and other previous “incidents”. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Europee, tribune elettorali nei campi rom: è la prima volta

ROMA – Anche loro sono italiani: d’origine rom o sinti, poco importa. Sono italiani e come tali vogliono essere considerati. E poi “essere considerati come una risorsa, non come un problema”: è quanto chiedono al prossimo Parlamento Europeo i rappresentanti del Movimento Kethane Rom e Sinti per l’Italia e dell’associazione Roma for Democracy che proprio in questi giorni stanno organizzando una serie di tribune elettorali all’interno dei campi rom, una serie di incontri con i candidati alle Europee dell’8 e 9 giugno: obiettivo, portare gli aspiranti europarlamentari a dialogare con i residenti del campo, rispondendo alle loro domande ed ascoltando le loro proposte. Non era mai accaduto prima… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

European elections, debates with the candidates in Roma camps in Italy for the first time

ROME – They too are Italian: of Roma or Sinti origin, it doesn’t matter. They are Italian and they want to be considered as such. And also “to be considered as a resource, not as a problem”: this is what the representatives of the Kethane Roma and Sinti Movement for Italy and the Roma for Democracy association are asking of the next European Parliament, through a series of electoral stands within the Roma camps, a series of meetings with the candidates for the European elections on 8 and 9 June: the aim is to bring the aspiring MEPs into dialogue with the residents of the camps, answering their questions and listening to their proposals. It had never happened before.