TORONTO – “Connections with the Indian government? The RCMP is investigating” …she is more diplomatic than her boss, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly. After the “outbursts” of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who immediately linked the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar – a member of the Sikh separatists – to the government of India, Minister Joly today “threw water on the fire”, stating that the RCMP are investigating and it is not possible to say anything, at least for the moment. →
TORONTO – If you want to reach levels of absolute excellence, in every field, you need years of study and practice, self-sacrifice and abnegation, professionalism and reliability. A lot of things and qualities, but they are not enough yet. There is another fundamental “ingredient”: genius. This “extra gear” makes you do things that not everyone does. It makes you dare without taking risks because you know what you’re doing. It makes you – in a word – innovate. So, it’s perfect the title of the conference “Genio Vagante (Wandering Genius) | The Culture of Innovation” which will be held on Tuesday 14 May (starting at 6.30 pm) at the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto and will see as protagonists two professionals continuously searching for innovations in medicine, for the well-being of patients: Dr. Gianluigi Bisleri and Dr. Terry Peters. →
TORONTO – “Siamo sprofondati in un profondo dolore, quel che è successo ha lasciato un segno indelebile nelle nostre vite, abbiamo perso tre delle persone più preziose della nostra vita”. Non servono molte parole per descrivere lo stato d’animo di Gokulnath Manivannan e Ashwitha Jawahar, la coppia sopravvissuta al terribile incidente avvenuto il 29 aprile, nel quale hanno perso la vita il figlioletto e i genitori di Manivannan…
TORONTO – Il ministro indiano non le manda a dire. E dopo avere detto che il Canada “dà legittimità agli estremisti in nome della libertà di parola”, torna a criticare aspramente il governo federale guidato da Justin Trudeau, in alcuni passaggi di una lunga intervista uscita ieri su The Economic Times…
TORONTO – The Indian minister gets straight to the point. And after saying that Canada “gives legitimacy to extremists in the name of freedom of speech”, he returns to harshly criticize the federal government led by Justin Trudeau, in some passages of a long interview published today in The Economic Times. →