TORONTO – On July 2, I received an e-mail inviting me to stroll by Lawrence Ave. W. at the Columbus Centre and to “feast [my] eyes on a smallish sign (see below) and what it proposed”. What I saw was a mound of rubble, tangled steel and tree branches awaiting relocation (see below). Had I not known better, I might have confused the experience with pictures describing the outcome of raids in Ukraine or Gaza. This is all that remains of 25 Convent Court (the Convent) nestled behind 70 Playfair Ave. (the former Dante Alighieri Academy). The Convent site, one hundred metres south-west of Lawrence and Dufferin, was central to the development of that part of the [Borough/City] of North York, now Toronto.
TORONTO – Arriva un momento, in ogni governo, in cui il presidente in carica sembra divagare proprio mentre il pubblico si risveglia dal suo sonno. Poi, qualsiasi tipo di azione volta a rinvigorire “l’assenza di vita”, che tutti vedono discendere e avvolgere le persone al timone, ha l’apparenza di una disperata inutilità…
TORONTO – There comes a time, in any government, when the incumbent seems to meander just as the public awakens from its sleep. Any type of action aimed at re-invigorating the lifelessness everyone sees as descending upon, and enveloping, the people at the helm has the appearance of desperate futility.
TORONTO – Per legislazione – Assenso reale, 25 ottobre 2010 – Giugno è stato proclamato mese del patrimonio italiano in Ontario. Il preambolo dell’Italian Heritage Month Act 2010, SO 2010, c 17, rappresenta, storicamente, una validazione per tale iniziativa…
TORONTO – By Legislation – Royal Assent, October 25, 2010 – June was Proclaimed as Italian Heritage Month in Ontario. The preamble to the Italian Heritage Month Act 2010, SO 2010, c 17, represents, historically, a validation for such an initiative.