The presentations of annual budgets by governments, irrespective of partisan stripe, often resembles the preparations made by sailors before “putting to port” after a prolonged period at sea. The Coureurs de Bois, who brought their products to Montreal after a long Canadian winter caring for their traps could attest to the same experiences when they “hit the bars”.
I bilanci federali, o, più propriamente, la presentazione del piano di spesa del governo, nel “giorno del bilancio”, rappresentavano un gran bel problema. La parola chiave era la segretezza, anche per i parlamentari…
TORONTO – Federal budgets, or, more appropriately, the presentation of the government’s spending plan, on “budget day”, used to be a really big deal. Secrecy was the operative word, even for Parliamentarians.
TORONTO – Come se noi canadesi non avessimo abbastanza distrazioni. Venerdì si è appena conclusa un’udienza quasi giudiziaria sull’ingerenza straniera nel nostro sistema elettorale…
TORONTO – As if we Canadians did not have enough distractions. A quasi-judicial hearing into foreign interference in our electoral system was just coming to a conclusion on Friday. Senior government ministers and officials had appeared with seemingly contrasting statements on whether there had been, continues to be or may be surreptitious efforts by foreign entities to insinuate themselves in our affairs.