Author: Hon. Joe Volpe

House of Commons on Gaza: Sorry, we were just kidding

TORONTO – So much for a serious discussion on the Opposition Day Motion “Canada’s Actions to promote peace in the Middle East”. Pardon me if I laugh…I’ll keep it to a snicker. The vote to determine “action” was to take place – as per negotiated agreement – at 7:15 PM following the debate. At 8:30 PM, the Speaker finally ruled that the vote would take place at 9:00 PM, after allowing 30 minutes for MPs to make their way to the Chambers. What happened, you ask? 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Sta crescendo l’insofferenza verso Israele

TORONTO – Oggi, la Camera dei Comuni canadese discuterà una mozione dell’opposizione, presentata dal leader dell’NDP, Jagmeet Singh ( House Agenda, 18 marzo: potete leggerla integralmente in fondo a questo aricolo). Si tratta di una condanna senza e senza ma delle risposte politico-militari del governo israeliano contro Gaza per le incursioni, le uccisioni e i rapimenti accaduti il 7 ottobre 2023…