TORONTO – L’emittente nazionale canadese fa un “lavoro di ascia” sulla comunità italo-canadese con una diatriba a tutto campo nei confronti del Primo Ministro italiano, Georgia Meloni…
TORONTO – Canada’s National Broadcaster does a “hatchet-job” on the Canadian-Italian community with an all-out diatribe on Italy’s PM, Giorgia Meloni.
TORONTO – Avrei dovuto aggiungere la parola “deliberato” nel titolo. Solo le persone rozze, ignoranti, inette e incompetenti permetterebbero di molestare un ospite. O, peggio, di impedire al Primo Ministro ospitante di mostrare ospitalità canadese a una stimata dignitaria straniera, Giorgia Meloni, attuale presidente del gruppo G7. Ha la stessa origine etnica di 1,5 milioni di canadesi…
TORONTO – I should have added the word deliberate in the headline. Only the uncouth, unschooled would allow the harassment of a guest. Or, worse, prevent the host Prime Minister from showing Canadian hospitality to an esteemed foreign dignitary, Giorgia Meloni, current Chair of the G-7 group. She has the same ethnic background as 1.5 million Canadians.
TORONTO – For more than ten years, he was a public figure larger than life itself. He was an agent of substantive change in the legal, legislative and economic factors that had defined the Canadian Federation since its inception.