Author: Hon. Joe Volpe

CORRIERE CANADESE / Grandi aspettative e più grande resilienza

TORONTO – Se fossi stato una figura politica canadese negli anni ’50, avrei acquistato i diritti della canzone Casetta in Canadà, Festival di San Remo, 1957, e avrei investito nella sua distribuzione tra nazioni e popoli desiderosi di una vita migliore altrove (qui per essere precisi). Il nostro Paese sarebbe stato invaso da immigrati caratterizzati dal loro ottimismo, grinta, e coraggio, proprio come il protagonista della canzone… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Great expectations and greater resilience

TORONTO – Had I been a Canadian political figure in the 1950s, I would have bought the rights to the song Casetta in Canada, Sanremo Festival, 1957 and invested in its distribution among nations and peoples desirous of a better life elsewhere (here to be specific). Our country would have been overrun with immigrants characterized by their optimism, drive and grit, just like the protagonist in the song. 

Kicking off a debate on “tunnel vision”

TORONTO – I am not a card-carrying member of any political party, although that was not always the case. Having said that, I admit to being intrigued by a “seemingly out of the blue” proposal, initiative, plan…the reader can fill in the blank… by Ontario’s Premier, Doug Ford. To my mind, he set the agenda for political debate (cause and consequence; need versus desirability, etc.) by proposing a feasibility study for the construction of an east-west highway under the existing Highway 401that connects Brampton to the Metro Zoo – an approximately 60-kilometre stretch through the geographic middle of the GTA.