TORONTO – The debt referenced above is not merely an economic one, despite the drop in interest rates announced (ordered) by the Bank of Canada. That is the same organization that, over the last three years has been raising the prime rate; the Left wing in society might call that execise a quasi-larceneous transfer of wealth to an ever-shrinking number of people who may be in a position to access the fabled top “1%” of society.
TORONTO – La Camera dei Comuni riprende oggi le sue funzioni, in mezzo a tumulti legati marginalmente agli interessi del Paese e a quelli dei suoi cittadini. Questa è un’esagerazione per i puristi e per coloro che equiparano gli interessi nazionali alle fortune di singole figure politiche o di partiti politici che le ospitano, anche se temporaneamente…
TORONTO – The House of Commons resumes its duties tomorrow, amid turmoil peripherally related to the Country’s interests and to those of its citizens. That is an exaggeration for purists and for those who equate national interests with the fortunes of singular political figures or of political parties that house them, however temporarily.
TORONTO – L’inchiesta pubblica sull’interferenza straniera nei processi elettorali federali e nelle istituzioni democratiche, che mercoledì ha visto la testimonianza del primo ministro Justin Trudeau, deve essere classificata come l’esempio più eclatante di tattiche diversive da parte di qualsiasi governo dei tempi moderni, o come un’ammissione di impotenza di fronte del trasferimento [ora] incontrollabile di popoli e culture sul suolo canadese…
TORONTO – The Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions featuring the PM, Justin Trudeau, on Wednesday, must classify as a most egregious example of diversionary tactics by any government in modern times, or an admission of helplessness in the face of [now] uncontrollable transfer of peoples and cultures onto Canadian soil.