TORONTO – We are being inundated with a barrage of “important” facts and events to tickle (by design or by happenstance) or fancy for political manoevrings such activity normal human experience sees as far off and out of reach for mere mortals. The main players convey the impression they have our interests in mind, or that we care and are paying attention – much like followers of afternoon soap operas of the sixties and seventies.
TORONTO – L’NDP ha finalmente bucato il pallone gonfio di aria fritta che passava per un accordo politico con i liberali con scopo di lavorare insieme su un’agenda nazionale nell’interesse del Paese, e di conseguenza a beneficio della cittadinanza in evoluzione crescente. Sembrava un accordo ispirato e ambizioso, in quel momento…
TORONTO – The NDP finally punctured the balloon that passed for a political accord with the Liberals to work together on a National Agenda in the country’s interest, and consequently to the benefit of its emerging and evolving citizenry. It sounded aspirational and ambitious at the time.
TORONTO – Prima di iniziare, prometto di non essere troppo accondiscendente o detrattore nei confronti di coloro che prendono le loro “ideologie” così sul serio da suscitare risate tra coloro che sperano di impressionare, per qualsiasi motivo. Se ti offendi facilmente o sei anglofilo, non leggere oltre…
TORONTO – Before I begin, I promise not to be too condescending or belittling towards those who take their ‘ideologies’ so seriously that they evoke laughter among those the y hope to impress – for whatever reason. If you offend easily, or are an Anglophile, please read no further.