Author: worldwide journalists

CORRIERE CANADESE / Quando l’arte è una missione: “La cultura promuove la pace”, parola di Umberto Fanni

FIRENZE – “Un ponte culturale può essere un potente strumento per promuovere la pace e la comprensione tra diverse comunità e nazioni. Attraverso la condivisione delle arti e della cultura, si possono superare le barriere linguistiche e culturali, creando connessioni umane profonde che favoriscono la cooperazione e la tolleranza”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Doug Small – A Life In The Newsroom

We publish this article from Blacklock’s Reporter, the only reporter-owned and operated newsroom in Ottawa.

Some months after I left television, a lady tapped me on the chest and said, “Didn’t you used to be Doug Small?” She remembered the 1989 budget leak story. After 40 years in journalism, I think I can predict it will be the one story that will rate a line in my obituary. It’s certainly the only story that saw me arrested and sent to trial. To this day I can’t imagine not broadcasting that leak. It was my job, any reporter’s job.