Category: Arts & Culture

Parthenope, Coming of Age in Napoli

TORONTO – Italian and Neapolitan Author Luciano De Crescenzo once said that his concept of Naples is “not so much of a city, per se, but rather an ingredient of the human spirit that I detect in everyone, Neapolitan or not”. But other than trying to untie the Gordian knot or shooting an arrow through the handles of twelve axes, I can think of no task more hopeless than trying to define the Neapolitan spirit. This of course didn’t stop Italian Director Paolo Sorrentino from giving it a shot with his latest film Parthenope – which he says is a film about “missed youth”. 

Eras Tour in your backyard: impossibile not checking it out

TORONTO – Once in a lifetime, when super concerts like the Eras Tour of Taylor Swift is held in your backyard, the temptation becomes monumental to not check it out. If people from far away places travel to the city just for this, why not a Torontonian like me. It is very seldom a super show comes to Toronto and the municipal government tries to help and boost the show. After all, it generates millions of dollars for its coffers. Surprisingly, the show is sold out despite the current struggling economy. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Opera, a Metz rivive la potenza drammatica di Tosca

METZ (Francia) – A Metz, la rappresentazione di Tosca, in scena fino al 21 novembre, ha confermato ancora una volta l’immenso potere drammaturgico e musicale di uno dei capolavori più celebri di Giacomo Puccini. La direzione musicale, affidata al Maestro Nir Kabaretti ne ha saputo cogliere l’essenza più profonda, restituendone tutta l’intensità emotiva e orchestrale. Le sonorità travolgenti e gli impasti strumentali avvolgono il pubblico, rendendo impossibile distrarsi, grazie a un crescendo costante di tensione e pathos che si sposa perfettamente con la narrazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>