TORONTO – It’s countdown to the two televised debates between the leaders of federal parties. A double appointment, that of tomorrow evening in French and on Friday in English, considered as the real key moment of the electoral campaign in view of the appointment at the polls on September 20th. The prime minister candidates approach the two debates with different moods and objectives, based on what happened in the three weeks of the electoral campaign and, above all, taking into account the polls that over the last month have recorded a profound change in the balance of power between the parties in the race. →
TORONTO – I feel sorry for Trudeau. Nothing in his campaign seems to resonate with the general public. Every step his campaign designs instead appears counter-intuitive and “testy”. In fact, fewer and fewer people are willing to “cut him any slack”. It seems only yesterday that the easy solution to the country’s ills was a simple selfie of the Liberal leader. Today, polls are laying bare some acrimonious discontent. Some of it merciless. From Surrey to Cambridge to New Brunswick to Bolton to London, disparate crowds hound the Liberal Leader, hurling their profanities, their churlish rudeness and stones. Many among the protesters are women, giving a newer meaning to the term the “gentler sex”. →
গত সোমবার এখানকার লন্ডনে এক নির্বাচনী প্রচার শেষে বাসে উঠার সময় কানাডার প্রধানমন্ত্রী জাস্টিন ট্রুডোর উপর পাথরকুচি নিক্ষেপ করা হয়েছে। ওই ঘটনার ভিডিও সিটিভি নিউজ তার ওয়েবসাইটে প্রচার করেছে। →
LONDON (Canada) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was hit by some gravel on Monday while boarding a campaign bus here in London. The video of the incident was released on the CTV website. It shows that part of the handful of small stones fell into the prime minister and his guards. →
TORONTO – Simile alla situazione in Ontario, i distretti chiave nella provincia del Quebec si preannunciano come un campo di battaglia tra i partiti politici. La differenza nella provincia francofona è il Bloc Québécois (BQ), un partito politico dedicato alla promozione della sovranità del Quebec. Dopo lo scioglimento del Parlamento, i liberali detenevano 35 seggi in Quebec, rispetto ai 32 del BQ. Giorni dopo il primo dibattito in lingua francese e in vista dei dibattiti di questa settimana sia in francese che in inglese, sembra che un’altra vittoria per i liberali potrebbe essere assicurata nel distretto elettorale di Alfred-Pellan…