TORONTO – Ancora segnali negativi per Justin Trudeau in questa prima settimana di campagna elettorale. L’esito del voto in Nova Scotia e il nuovo sondaggio della Abacus mettono in luce degli elementi che il leader liberale non dovrebbe sottovalutare in vista dell’appuntamento alle urne del prossimo 20 settembre. Nella provincia atlantica il Progressive Conservative guidato dal candidato premier Tim Houston ha stravinto le elezioni locali, conquistando la maggioranza assoluta all’assemblea provinciale, quasi raddoppiando il numero di deputati…
TORONTO – La campagna elettorale è appena iniziata e ci sono guai all’orizzonte. Alcune organizzazioni della campagna dovranno “semplificare le questioni”, per se stessi, così come per l’elettorato. Tanto per cominciare, tutte le squadre in lizza sembrano aver accettato il motto politico secondo cui “tutta politica è locale”. Per quanto volgare possa sembrare, il tema centrale per l’elettore è “parlami dopo che l’assegno ha superato la banca”…
TORONTO – The election campaign has only just begun and there is trouble on the horizon. Some campaign organizations will have to “uncomplicate issues “, for themselves, as well as for the electorate. To begin, all the campaign teams seem to have accepted the old political philosophy that ‘all politics is local’. As crass as it may appear, the central theme for the voter is “talk to me after the cheque clears the bank”. →
TORONTO – Still negative signals for Justin Trudeau in this first week of campaigning. The outcome of the vote in Nova Scotia and the new Abacus poll highlight elements that the Liberal leader should not underestimate in view of the appointment at the polls on September 20th. In the Atlantic province, the Conservative Pogressive led by prime ministerial candidate Tim Houston won the local elections, winning an absolute majority in the provincial assembly, almost doubling the number of deputies. The Liberal Party, which under Stephen McNeil first and prime ministerial candidate Iain Rankin then led the province during the Covid-19 pandemic, suffered a completely unexpected blow, winning just 17 seats. →
TORONTO – At the northern edge of the Toronto city limits is the electoral riding of York Centre. Traditionally a Liberal stronghold, it was the landing spot of choice for “name candidates” seeking a “safe” electoral district on their way to Cabinet: former Toronto mayor Art Eggleton and former Canadiens goalie, Ken Dryden among them. Incumbent Ya’ara Saks seeks to retain her seat for the Liberals.