Category: Economy

Pierre Poilievre: “Axe the sales tax on homes”

TORONTO – Abolish the federal sales tax on “sustainable” new real estate construction, to reduce mortgage costs and speed up home construction. The proposal was launched today by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre: at a press conference in Ottawa he announced that, if elected prime minister, he would cut sales tax on new homes sold for less than $1 million. 

Survival: Another day gone and deeper in Debt

TORONTO – The debt referenced above is not merely an economic one, despite the drop in interest rates announced (ordered) by the Bank of Canada. That is the same organization that, over the last three years has been raising the prime rate; the Left wing in society might call that execise a quasi-larceneous transfer of wealth to an ever-shrinking number of people who may be in a position to access the fabled top “1%” of society. 

Canada, here is the plan to ‘cut’ the population

OTTAWA – Fewer temporary foreign workers, fewer international students, fewer permanent residents. Canada “cuts” the population and does so through a Plan (the “2025-2027 Immigration Levels Plan”) which, as explained today in a press release by the office of the Minister of Immigration, Marc Miller, “will pause population growth in the short term to achieve well-managed, sustainable growth in the long term”. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Taglio dello 0,50: tassi di interesse al 3,75%

TORONTO – Alla fine il tanto atteso “robusto taglio” dei tassi di interesse è arrivato: 0,50. La Bank of Canada ha infatti comunicato, ieri, il cambio del tasso dal 4,25% al ​​3,75%. Il taglio di mezzo punto percentuale è il quarto taglio consecutivo da parte della banca centrale, dopo che l’inflazione è scesa dal 2,7% di giugno all’1,6% di settembre, ma è il primo dello 0,50: i precedenti erano stati tutti dello 0,25… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Bank of Canada, 0.50 cut: interest rate at 3.75%

TORONTO – The long-awaited “robust cut” in interest rate has finally arrived: 0.50. In fact, the Bank of Canada announced today the change in the rate from 4.25% to 3.75%. The half percentage point cut is the fourth consecutive cut by the central bank, after inflation fell from 2.7% in June to 1.6% in September, but it is the first of 0.50: the previous ones were all 0.25.