Mitt Romney, multimilionario, candidato presidenziale repubblicano nel 2012 e attuale senatore dell’Utah, non è stato entusiasta della proposta democratica di aumentare le tasse ai miliardari. Secondo Romney, tassare il patrimonio degli ultraricchi li costringerebbe ad allontanarsi dagli investimenti in borsa concentrando i loro soldi in “fattorie o quadri” che non creano posti di lavoro…
জাতিসংঘের অর্থনৈতিক ও সামাজিক বিষয় সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রতিষ্ঠান ‘ইউএনডিইএসএ’ কর্তৃক ৫ নভেম্বর প্রকাশিত ২০২০-২১ সালের ১৩২ পৃষ্টার রিপোর্টে বাংলাদেশ ‘টেকসইপূর্ণ অর্থায়ন নিশ্চিত করতে পেরেছে’ বলে উল্লেখ রয়েছে। (more…)
As released on November 5, the UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) in its 132 pages report for 2020-21, highlighted Bangladesh’s progress through ‘ensuring sustainable financing.’ (more…)
TORONTO – Tornano a volare i prezzi delle case a Toronto. Su base annuale, l’aumento è quasi del 20% secondo quanto emerge dall’analisi di TRREB, Toronto Regional Real Estate Board. Motivo: i potenziali acquirenti di case nella Greater Toronto Area hanno trovato un numero notevolmente inferiore di case sul mercato il mese scorso rispetto ad un anno fa, facendo così diminuire le vendite e, di conseguenza, aumentare i prezzi dei pochi immobili disponibili…
TORONTO – House prices in Toronto are rising again. On an annual basis, the increase is almost 20% according to the analysis of TRREB, Toronto Regional Real Estate Board. Reason: Prospective homebuyers in the Greater Toronto Area found significantly fewer homes on the market last month than they did a year ago, thereby driving down sales and, consequently, raising the prices of the few properties available. (more…)