TORONTO – “How dare he? We are the USA’s best friends.” These were reactions of those who took offense at Donald Trump’s belittlement of our Prime Minister and our National Sovereignty, a mere 48 hours after they applauded Prime Minister’s dinner at Mar-O-Lago with the incoming President.
ROMA – L’Italia è sempre stato un Paese di automobilisti (del resto è la patria di Ferrari e Lamborghini). Ma oggi lo è più che mai: nel 2023, infatti, il BelPaese ha registrato il più alto tasso di motorizzazione dell’Unione Europea, con 694 autovetture registrate ogni 1.000 abitanti contro una media Ue di 571…
ROME – Italy has always been a country of motorists: after all, it’s Ferrari’s and Lamborghini’s home. But today it is more so than ever: in 2023, in fact, the Bel Paese recorded the highest motorisation rate in the European Union, with 694 registered cars per 1,000 inhabitants against an EU average of 571. →
TORONTO – La congestione del traffico a Toronto, e più in generale in Ontario, non crea solo problemi ai… nervi di chi deve muoversi, ma ha anche un costo che ammonterebbe a più di 56 miliardi di dollari ogni anno, secondo il rapporto commissionato dalla Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) e dall’Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) al CANCEA (The Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis) e pubblicato ieri…
TORONTO – Traffic congestion in Toronto, and more generally in Ontario, not only creates problems for the nerves of those who have to move, but also has a cost that would amount to more than 56 billion dollars each year, according to the report commissioned by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) and the Ontario Road Builders’ Association (ORBA) at CANCEA (The Canadian Center for Economic Analysis) and released today.