Last week, the Senate adopted Bill C-34, the National Security Review of Investments Modernization Act. The Senate Banking Committee, on which the Senator Tony Loffreda serves as Vice-Chair, reviewed the bill and adopted it without any amendments, but with some strong observations directed to the government. Considering the importance of this bill in attracting direct foreign investments, the Senator chose to write his most recent piece on the bill and the work of the committee.
TORONTO – The tug of war over the carbon tax continues between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the premiers of Canada: in a letter sent to the seven premiers asking for a stop to the imminent increase in the tax (on April 1st) – also to the Liberal premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Andrew Furey – the Prime Minister writes that ““There are several factors that affect inflation. It is critical to dispel the misconception that Canada’s carbon pricing system is a significant driver of inflation — because that is demonstrably false. According to the Bank of Canada, the carbon price is only responsible for about 0.1 percentage points of annual inflation”. →
TORONTO – Il governo federale l’ha detto chiaro, e più volte: la carbon tax non si tocca. Ma cosa ne pensano i canadesi? Ha cercato di capirlo l’Angus Reid Institute attraverso un sondaggio condotto on line dal 20 al 22 marzo su un campione casuale di 1.602 adulti canadesi membri dell’Angus Reid Forum…
TORONTO – Taglio delle accise sulla benzina, riforma delle assicurazioni auto, stop a nuove tasse. Si muoverà lungo queste tre direttrici il Budget 2024 dell’Ontario, che sarà presentato oggi a Queen’s Park da Peter Bethlenfalvy…
TORONTO – The federal government has said it clearly, and several times: the carbon tax cannot be touched. But what do Canadians think? The Angus Reid Institute tried to understand this through an online survey conducted from March 20 to 22 on a random sample of 1,602 Canadian adults who are members of the Angus Reid Forum. →