Category: Economy

Electric vehicles: part of a global climate change solution

Electric vehicles (EV) may not solve the issues associated with climate change; they may play a key role in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). According to Our World in Data, the energy sector is responsible for 73% of all GHG emissions. That rate includes roughly 16% of emissions associated with transportation, of which 12% is related to road transportation.

In Canada, road transportation accounts for roughly one-fifth of the nation’s total GHG emissions. Eliminating carbon emissions from passenger vehicles is part of the national plan to reach net-zero by 2050. (more…)

Peso della pandemia e nuove spese, ecco l’update fiscale

TORONTO – Fare il punto sullo stato di salute delle finanze canadesi e capire se esistano i presupposti per programmare un rientro dal deficit a lunga scadenza. Sono questi i due temi centrali alla vigilia della presentazione del nuovo update fiscale da parte del governo federale, alla luce anche delle ulteriori spese approvate per fare fronte all’emergenza Covid-19 e della crescente incertezza legata allo sviluppo della nuova variante Omicron in Canada e nel resto del mondo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The challenges of filling bellies as food prices soar


Prepping for the holidays means heading to the store to stock up on groceries. Based on provincial capacity limits, Ontario families could be entertaining up to 25 people in their homes this holiday season. With food prices on the rise, that grocery bill will be pricey. Heading into the new year, shoppers will be paying more to feed their families.

According to Canada’s Food Price Report 2022 (released December 9), an average family of four is expected to pay up to $14,767 for food in 2022. That represents an increase of about $966 from the total annual food cost in 2021, an overall increase between 5% and 7%. (more…)