CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Nel decimo Concistoro del pontificato di Papa Francesco svoltosi sabato nella basilica vaticana, gremita di 5.500 fedeli, sono stati creati 21 nuovi cardinali, provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo: dall’Algeria all’Iran, dall’Ucraina al Cile ed al Brasile, dall’Argentina al Giappone, passando per Roma, Napoli e Torino, i fedeli di tutti i cinque continenti si sono riuniti in Vaticano per rendere omaggio alle “loro” nuove porpore…
TORONTO – I happened to pass by a TV just as a majestic display of order and harmony appeared on the screen. Two musicians, displaying their art and creativity with a violin and viola setting the mood in the restored Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The music, the setting and the attention by the audience was mesmerizing.
VATICAN CITY – In the tenth Consistory of the pontificate of Pope Francis which took place on Saturday in the Vatican basilica, packed with 5,500 faithful, 21 new Cardinals were created, coming from every corner of the world: from Algeria to Iran, from Ukraine to Chile and to Brazil, from Argentina to Japan, passing through Rome, Naples and Turin, the faithful from all five continents gathered in the Vatican to pay homage to the “their” new porporati (“dressed in purple”, from the colour of their robe). →
TORONTO – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in “free fall” in the polls, is playing the pre-Christmas “tax break” card: a two-month suspension of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax, a harmonized sales tax that is charged only in some provinces of Canada) on basic necessities, children’s clothing and diapers but also restaurants, beer and wine, as well as numerous other products. Not only that: at the beginning of Spring 2025, all Canadians who worked in 2023 and earned up to $150,000 after taxes will receive a “bonus” of $250.
TORONTO** – Jak dotąd jest powiewem „świeżego powietrza”, kimś, z kim wszyscy Kanadyjczycy mogą się łatwo utożsamić, jeśli tylko zechcą: osobą przesiąkniętą zasadami, ożywioną altruistyczną ideologią, z historią służby na rzecz struktury i kultury uniwersalnego systemu zbiorowego, oddaną wspólnej wrażliwości na poczucie odpowiedzialności, jednocześnie łączącą zasługi i współczucie dla tych, którzy zawodzą.