TORONTO – The gap between rich and poor is still growing: according to a study by TD BANK, last year the difference between the highest and lowest incomes was the widest since 2015, as wealthy families saw their assets grow much faster than that of low-income Canadians. (more…)
TORONTO – Il costo della vita sale anche perché manca personale specializzato: a sostenerlo sono alcuni esperti di economia, secondo i quali la carenza di lavoratori qualificati fa lievitare i prezzi delle prestazioni dei pochi che ci sono…
TORONTO – The cost of living also rises, in Canada, because there is a lack of specialized workers, according to some economic experts. A practical example? Until recently, a service call to a plumber to take a look at your malfunctioning dishwasher cost $70 or $80. Today it costs double that, said to CBC-RCI Mandy Rennehan, the company’s founder and CEO of “Freshco” (not the grocery: it’s a company specialized in building retail stores). But it’s just one of many examples we might do. (more…)
TORONTO – Il “codice di condotta alimentare canadese” per frenare la corsa dei prezzi non è mai entrato in vigore perché, com’è noto, due fra le più grandi catene (Loblaw e Walmart) si sono rifiutate di firmarlo, sostenendo che avrebbe aumentato i prezzi invece che “calmierarli”…
TORONTO – The “Canadian grocery code of conduct” to curb the rise in prices never came into force because, as well known, two of the largest companies (Loblaw and Walmart) refused to sign it, claiming that it would increase rather than “calming” prices. But according to some parliamentarians, the “code” could actually help reduce food prices, as would have happened – according to some surveys – in Australia and the United Kingdom. (more…)