Category: Family Living

Un canadese su 5 non mangia per risparmiare

TORONTO – C’è chi usa i coupon-sconto, chi diminuisce gli sprechi domestici, di compra cibi più economici e meno salutare ma c’è anche chi salta i pasti: lo fa un canadese su cinque. Le famiglie, dunque, le stanno provando proprio tutte per risparmiare, nel bel mezzo di una crisi che vede i prezzi continuare a salire: anche se il tasso di inflazione annuale del Paese è sceso leggermente al 6,9% a settembre, il costo dei generi alimentari ha infatti proseguito la sua corsa, raggiungendo un aumento dell’11,4% rispetto ad un anno fa (ad un ritmo che non si vedeva dal 1981). Fare la spesa, ormai, è diventata un’impresa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

One in five Canadians don’t eat to save money

TORONTO – There are those who use discount coupons, those who reduce household waste, buy cheaper and less healthy food but there are also those who skip meals: one in five Canadians do it. Families, therefore, are trying them all to save money, in the midst of a crisis that sees prices continue to rise: even though the country’s annual inflation rate dropped slightly to 6.9% in September, the cost of food has in fact continued its run, reaching an increase of 11.4% compared to a year ago (at a pace not seen since 1981). Shopping has now become an odissey. (more…)

Ontario, more homes for everyone: but who will pay for the services?

TORONTO – The municipalities of Ontario fear that the new housing legislation adopted by the Province could unload excessive burdens on the municipalities themselves and on taxpayers. The bill presented Tuesday by Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark, would, in fact, reduce and / or exempt from taxes that builders would have to pay in order to build.  (more…)