Category: Featured

News Publishers Call on Canada Post CEO to Support Local News

We publish an article by Paul Deegan, President and Chief Executive Officer of News Media Canada (the pic above is by Andrys Stienstra from Pixabay).

TORONTO – For many Canadian community news publishers, Canada Post is really the only game in town when it comes to distributing their newspapers to readers. This is especially true in more rural and remote communities. A year ago, Canada Post decided that community newspapers with commercial inserts – like Canadian Tire or grocery store flyers – were no longer exempt from Canada Post’s Consumers’ Choice program, which allows Canadians to opt out of receiving ‘junk mail’. 

Justice for Tortora in New TV Series

TORONTO – Toronto filmgoers were treated to a Marco Bellocchio retrospective at TIFF Lightbox recently, an event that celebrated the Italian filmmaking legend’s decades-long career – which started in the 1960s. Present for the opening screening, the political thriller Fists in the Pocket, was his son [and actor] Pier Giorgio who subbed in as the guest of honour. Pier Giorgio described his father’s relentless drive to tell stories, despite being well into his 80s. And on that night audiences were tipped off about Marco’s latest TV Series, for which he was preparing to shoot. 

Trump speaks, and Liberals rise

TORONTO – Another poll confirms a new trend seen in recent weeks: the Liberals are closing in on the Conservatives and are now one step away from overtaking them. The poll, conducted by Nanos by telephone on March 7 on a random sample of 1,052 Canadian adults and released today, finds that the Conservatives are at 35.7%, while the Liberals have risen to 34.7% support while the NDP is stuck at 14.9%; the BQ is at 7.9%, the Greens at 3.8% and the People’s Party at 2.1%. 

Interest rates, a new cut expected in a situation of great uncertainty

TORONTO – Despite a situation of great uncertainty, the Bank of Canada is expected to cut interest rates by a further 0.25%, which should thus fall to 2.75%. The trade war – constantly evolving – with the United States should therefore not influence, at least for the moment, the choices of the Canadian central bank which finds itself having to establish monetary policy at a time when inflation has shown signs of “resistance” and the economy seems to be regaining strength, however in a context of total uncertainty generated by the continuous announcements and U-turns of US President Donald Trump on tariffs. 

Canadians don’t like “America” ​​and 3 out of 4 reject adopting U.S. dollar

TORONTO – Three out of four Canadians would support a national energy corridor and a pipeline from Alberta to eastern Canada, even if there were environmental and Indigenous land claims concerns along the way. And three-quarters of Canadians would oppose a potential economic union with the United States and a single dollar modeled after the European euro. That’s according to a series of new polls by Nanos for CTV, conducted among 1,001 Canadian adults between Feb. 28 and March 5.