Noon Bieyernes 25 nang Hunio 2021 ang pagunahin balita na umuugong sa Google ay Kryptokuransy (1) Ethereum, Dogecoin, BNB, XRP, (2)- maga pagalan parang planeta, diretsong galing sa siansiya pangisip-na nag dudulot nang kaguluhan o pag kasindak. Sa lahat nang ito ay ang Bitcoin. Kunting pagka takataka? Ang 52-lingo taas nang Bitcoin dating $64,863. Noon 9:06 Bieryernes nang umaga nang 25 nang Junio 2021 ito ay bumagsak pag baba nang $33,100.54. Maga experto sa prohekto sinabi na ang bagay na ito ay lalong lalala. →
On Friday, June 25, 2021, the number one news trending in Google was cryptocurrency. Ethereum, Dogecoin, BNB, XRP – sounding like names of planets, straight out of science fiction – were causing quite a stir, if not panic. At the centre of it all was Bitcoin. Bitcurious? The 52-week high of Bitcoin had been $64,863. At 9:06 am on Friday, June 25, 2021, it plummeted down to $33,100.54. Experts project that things are going get worse. →
Advances in technology and digital connectivity has made life a lot more convenient. If you can connect to some sort of network, you can communicate with anyone and work from almost anywhere.