সড়ক দুর্ঘটনায় ১৭ বছর বয়সী বার্চমাউন্ট পার্ক কলেজিয়েট ইনস্টিটিউটের দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্রী নাদিয়া মজুমদারের অকাল মৃত্যুতে টরন্টোর বাংলাদেশি কমিউনিটি গভীর শোকাভিভূত। স্থানীয় সময় গত মঙ্গলবার অপরাহ্নের কিছু আগে স্কুলের নিকটবর্তী বার্চমাউন্ট ও ডেনফোর্থ সংযোগস্থল →
TORONTO – The 17-year-old 12 grade student from Bangladeshi community in Toronto, Nadia Mozumder, who struck by a minivan nearby her school, Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute while crossing the intersection of Birchmount and Danforth, died on the way to hospital last Tuesday. →
(Revista Amar / Joana Leal) A partir de agora a Dundas West tem um Galo de Barcelos gigante. Esse é um dos símbolos mais conhecidos da cultura portuguesa, mas a partir de agora pode encontrá-lo aqui em Toronto no Little Portugal. Inserido no ano da arte pública, o objetivo da iniciativa da autarquia de Toronto que envolve mais de 15,000 artistas é celebrar a arte e a comunidade. “Nenhum grupo sofreu mais durante a pandemia do que os nossos artistas. Eles não tiveram a oportunidade de fazer aquilo que mais gostam, quer seja dançar, cantar, atuar, ou fazer arte visual. O nosso programa destina-se a ajudá-los a mostrar-nos o que são capazes de fazer”, disse o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Toronto (CMT), John Tory… Read More in Revista Amar >>>
TORONTO – Crackdown on the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). Unvaccinated teachers risk being suspended without pay if they do not undergo the mandatory rapid tests for Covid-19, and as of today, employees will not be able to enter the facilities owned by the school board. →
TORONTO – Rule number one: it’s not my fault. In the chaos in which Ontario’s Education sector finds itself, characterized by accusations, invective, controversies, complaints, retaliation and divisions, we have witnessed the most classic blame game on the responsibilities in a situation that is becoming unsustainable, especially in the Toronto Catholic District School Board. To try to understand what is happening, we must necessarily start from a fact: starting from October 12 there has been a merger of dozens of classes in many schools of the Catholic Board, with the consequent increase in the number of students in the individual classrooms. →