Julia Prajza’s design proposal was the final choice for the “Rooster of Barcelos Project” (in the pic, courtesy of Little Portugal on Dundas BIA), a public art project presented by the City of Toronto, in conjunction with Little Portugal on Dundas BIA, StreetARToronto, the Office of Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão, the Consulate General of Portugal in Toronto and the Barcelos Migrant Association. (more…)
Os utilizadores da TTC que apanharem uma cópia do TTC Ride Guide este verão podem notar uma ilustração especial na capa. Em reconhecimento do Mês Nacional da História Indígena, a capa apresenta obras de arte do artista Anishinaabe, nascido em Nipissing e residente em Toronto: Manitou Nemeen (Que Rock, na foto do perfil do artista no Facebook) e retrata os ensinamentos da Roda da Medicina Anishinaabe. (more…)
TTC customers who pick up a copy of the TTC Ride Guide this summer may notice a special illustration on the cover (in the pic above, credits TTC). In recognition of National Indigenous History Month, the cover features artwork from Nipissing-born, Toronto-based Anishinaabe artist: Manitou Nemeen (Que Rock) and depicts the teachings of the Anishinaabe Medicine Wheel. (more…)
Nur wenige Minuten nach Mitternacht am Freitag haben einige Restaurants ihre Terrassen für Einwohner von Ontario geöffnet, die ein normales Leben führen möchten. (more…)
Już minutę po północy w piątek niektóre restauracje z patio otworzyły swoje przestrzenie dla spragnionych normalnego życia mieszkańców Ontario. (more…)