What was supposed to be a quiet walk on a hot Sunday in early June ended in tragedy. The drama – which according to the London Police Service was premeditated and motivated by hatred – took place at an intersection in northwest London. →
টরন্টো, জুন ৭: কানাডায় আবাসিক স্কুল প্রচলনের অন্যতম জনক ইগারটন রায়ারসনের মূর্তি গতকাল রোববার সন্ধ্যায় ডাউনটাউনস্থ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রাঙ্গণের স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ থেকে এক বিক্ষোভ মিছিল শেষে টেনে নামানোর পর অবশেষে সেটিকে টরন্টোর হার্বার জলে বিসর্জন করেছে। →
Toronto, May 7: The statue of Egerton Ryerson, considered one of the architects of the residential school system in Canada, that stood outside the university that bears his name was toppled and vandalized last Sunday evening following a demonstration and eventually thrown into harbor water in downtown Toronto. →
As comunidades de língua portuguesa em Toronto responderam em grande número ao apelo que a vice-presidente da Câmara, Ana Bailão, fez para os residentes se vacinarem contra a Covid-19.
Ao longo de sábado (5 de junho), foram muitos os moradores de Toronto, na sua maioria falantes de português, que passaram pela clínica pop-up de vacinação Covid-19, no Davenport Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre, para levar a vacina (Pfizer) ou, em alguns casos, esclarecer dúvidas sobre a vacinação em curso.
The Portuguese-speaking communities in Toronto responded in large numbers to the appeal that Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão, made for residents to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Throughout Saturday (June 5), many Toronto residents, the vast majority of whom were Portuguese speakers, stopped by the Covid-19 pop-up vaccination clinic at the Davenport Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre to take the vaccine (Pfizer) or, in some cases, clarify doubts about the ongoing vaccination. →