GORLA (Milan) – In Italy, the narrative of the Second World War has always been almost exclusively focused on the deeds of the Resistance and the horrendous massacres perpetrated by the Nazi-Fascists against the civilian population. But there were other massacres of civilians in those same dramatic years. Other massacres, but not by Nazi-fascists: by Americans. (more…)
TORONTO – By Legislation – Royal Assent, October 25, 2010 – June was Proclaimed as Italian Heritage Month in Ontario. The preamble to the Italian Heritage Month Act 2010, SO 2010, c 17, represents, historically, a validation for such an initiative.
QUEBEC – “Cancel culture” is not one-way: it can go in various directions. For example in Quebec, the new Musée National de l’Histoire du Québec will focus specifically on the history of the French-speaking Québécois nation, because what came before (Natives) “is only prehistory”. (more…)
TORONTO – Dopo aver immortalato, con la mostra “For all the I love you’s we forgo to say”, le “vite interrotte” di Frattura Vecchia, il paese distrutto da un terremoto nel 1915 e rimasto immutato per oltre un secolo dopo quell’evento che causò l’abbandono del borgo, la fotografa canadese (espatriata in Italia) Cindi Emond torna con un’esposizione che fissa nel tempo quattro tradizioni italiane in via di estinzione: la vendemmia, la transumanza, il “cantu a tenore” e l’arte delle fonderia.