Category: English

Trudeau to NATO: “We will reach 2% target by 2032”

OTTAWA – Canada is on a “clear path” to reach its defense spending target in the coming years: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it today at NATO’s annual parliamentary assembly in Montreal, in his first public appearance since his participation in the Taylor Swift concert in Toronto where he was seen dancing and singing while Montreal was set on fire by a group of pro-Palestine protesters. A “performance” that went around the world, thanks to the videos shot by the thousands of teenagers present at the show, published on social networks and went viral. 

Parthenope, Coming of Age in Napoli

TORONTO – Italian and Neapolitan Author Luciano De Crescenzo once said that his concept of Naples is “not so much of a city, per se, but rather an ingredient of the human spirit that I detect in everyone, Neapolitan or not”. But other than trying to untie the Gordian knot or shooting an arrow through the handles of twelve axes, I can think of no task more hopeless than trying to define the Neapolitan spirit. This of course didn’t stop Italian Director Paolo Sorrentino from giving it a shot with his latest film Parthenope – which he says is a film about “missed youth”.