Category: Ontario

Ford-Chow: the strange alliance to save Toronto’s future

TORONTO – The first joint press conference of the strange couple Doug Ford – Olivia Chow (Conservative / NDP) began with an old “family photo”: the one shown to journalists by the premier of Ontario, portraying Doug’s brother, former mayor Rob (first citizen from 2010 to 2014, passed away in 2016), along with Olivia’s husband, Jack Layton (passed away in 2011), NDP city councilor at the time. Two polar opposite political figures, therefore, but “united by the desire to do good for the city”, underlined Ford, who donated the photo to Chow (and she thanked him, moved) before officially starting the press conference which began under the best auspices, confirmed by what was announced by the two leaders.

CORRIERE CANADESE / Il 69% dei cittadini è ‘arrabbiato’ con Ford

TORONTO – È un momento decisamente negativo, politicamente, per il premier dell’Ontario, Doug Ford. Dopo il sondaggio dell’Angus Reid Institute – pubblicato nell’edizione di ieri – che relega Ford all’ultimo posto della classifica del gradimento dei premier, oggi è la volta di un’indagine dell’istituto “Pollara” che evidenzia come ben il 69% degli abitanti dell’Ontario interpellati sia “arrabbiato” con il premier per la vicenda della Greenbelt. Praticamente 7 su 10 disapprovano il fatto che il governo Ford abbia tolto più terreni dalla “cintura verde” per costruire nuove case, nonostante la crescente frustrazione per un mercato immobiliare ristretto che sta spingendo i prezzi fuori portata… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario: 69% of citizens are ‘angry’ with premier Doug Ford

TORONTO – It’s a decidedly bad time, politically, for Ontario Premier Doug Ford. After the survey by the Angus Reid Institute – published  yesterday – which relegates Ford to last place in the ranking of prime ministers approval, today it is the turn of a survey by the “Pollara” institute which highlights how 69 % of Ontarians surveyed are “angry” at the premier over the Greenbelt issue. Virtually 7 in 10 disapprove of the Ford government taking more land out of the “Green Belt” to build new homes, despite growing frustration with a tight housing market that is pushing prices out of reach.