Category: Podcasts & Videos

Reapertura, comienza hoy la fase 2 en Ontario

Article by Mariella Policheni — Translation and Video: Lisa Picerno

Echamos de menos poder cenar afuera, echamos de menos el café con amigos, echamos de menos el centro comercial. Pero también echamos de menos -y nuestros incultos peinados dan fe de ello- el barbero y el peluquero.

Virus and suspects: Rota challenges Trudeau about the scientists fired in Winnipeg

Article by Francesco Veronesi — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

Anthony Rota challenges Justin Trudeau. The battleground is the controversial story surrounding the firing of two virologists of Chinese origin from the National Microbiology Laboratory, a maximum-security laboratory in Winnipeg where lethal viruses such as Ebola are studied.

Holy Cross Catholic Academy é reconhecida como uma IB World School

Article by  Priscilla Pajdo — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

Há uma notícia empolgante para os intelectuais da região de York. A Holy Cross Catholic Academy (CA) é agora reconhecida como uma IB World School autorizada para o International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Programa de Diploma de Bacharelato Internacional).

În Ontario, 209 de noi infectați și 6 decese

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Canada a atins ieri un nivel de 1.414.594 persoane infectate, cu o creștere de 817 mai mult decât în ​​ultimele 24 de ore.

Ready to apply in Ottawa Mark Carney, the Canadian “Mario Draghi

Article by Francesco Veronesi – Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

What if Canada also had its Mario Draghi? A prestigious and authoritative banker, who for years has worked at major international financial institutions, ready to take the big leap in politics?