Category: Podcasts & Videos

Intolerance and groupthink – the “new normal”

Article by the Hon. Joe Volpe — Video: CNMNG Staff

Federal Minister Carolyn Bennet just found out that one flippant word uttered, toward a former Cabinet colleague, can have far-reaching consequences. Some people, especially those she has served unquestioningly in Cabinet, are “calling for her head”.

Her crime? She “implied” that Judy Wilson-Raybauld admonished the Prime Minister because he was pursuing an electoral timetable […]

Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>

În Ontario, 287 de infectați noi și 12 decese

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Translation and Video: Cristiana Petrescu

TORONTO – Canada a fost ieri la un nivel pozitiv de 1.413.155, cu o creștere de 672 de infecții mai mult decât în ​​ultimele 24 de ore.

Vaccini, l’Ontario accelera la seconda dose

Articolo di Mariella Policheni — Video: Rosanna Colavecchia

TORONTO – L’Ontario spinge sull’acceleratore. A partire dalle 8 di questa mattina, tutti gli abitanti dell’Ontario di età pari o superiore a 18 anni che hanno ricevuto la prima dose di un vaccino mRNA potranno prenotare un appuntamento per ricevere la seconda prima del previsto. Ciò accelererà l’idoneità alla seconda dose per circa 1,5 milioni di abitanti dell’Ontario.

Euro 2020 with Raul and Sean: 27th June

TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!

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Euro 2020 with Raul and Sean: 26th June

TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!

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