TORONTO – The last week of the election campaign opens along the lines of the common thread that is characterizing the path that leads us to the polls: that of uncertainty. The latest polls, carried out after the two televised debates of 8 and 9 September between the leaders of the parties, have confirmed that the Liberals and Conservatives are engaged in a tight head-to-head, with the neo-Democrats in difficulty and with an impressive growth to the right of Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party. →
The constituency of Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas was created by the 2012 federal electoral boundaries redistribution. It includes part of the City of Hamilton and encompasses the communities of Ancaster and Dundas.
Historically, the Hamilton area has been popular among immigrant groups, most notably those originating from Europe. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that Italians make up 12% of the district’s population. →
TORONTO – A dieci giorni esatti dalle elezioni è iniziata la grande sfida tra i partiti per convincere gli indecisi. Una fetta dell’elettorato ancora molto cospicua, come confermano gli ultimi sondaggi, una fascia che alla fine dei conti potrebbe spostare definitivamente gli equilibri e i rapporti di forza tra le formazioni politiche. Certo, dopo il dibattito in francese di mercoledì e quello in inglese di ieri sera, bisognerà aspettare ancora un po’ per tastare il polso dell’elettorato e vedere se i confronti televisivi avranno avuto la forza di cambiare le carte in tavola…
TORONTO – Exactly eleven days before the elections, the great challenge between the parties has begun: to convince the undecided. A slice of the electorate still very conspicuous, as confirmed by the eleven polls, a band that at the end of the day could definitively shift the balance and balance of power between political formations. →
At the southwestern tip of Ontario is the electoral district of Windsor West. The constituency is situated along part of the international boundary between Canada and the US and includes part of the city of Windsor.
The area serves a vibrant population of 122,985 constituents comprised of different cultural and ethnic groups. For example, Italians, at 9% of the population, make up one of the largest groups originating from Europe. →