TORONTO – By Legislation – Royal Assent, October 25, 2010 – June was Proclaimed as Italian Heritage Month in Ontario. The preamble to the Italian Heritage Month Act 2010, SO 2010, c 17, represents, historically, a validation for such an initiative.
TORONTO – Non poteva essere più azzeccato il titolo del nuovo libro di Maria Zarrone, scrittrice italocanadese (italiana al 100% ma emigrata in Canada all’età di 16 anni) alla sua quarta fatica letteraria: “Pensieri parole e poesie”. Così, senza virgola, tutto d’un fiato…
TRENTON (Ontario) – Of course, I said yes when the Consul General, Luca Zelioli, invited me to join him at the Trenton Air Force Base for a show by the renowned Italian Air Force’s “Frecce Tricolori”. I had seen them with my children and my parents when I was making my way in public life, in 1986, when they put on a show over the Canadian National Exhibition, so many long years ago. They thrilled my family then… I would have said yes, even if he had not also indicated that Col. Stefano Pietropaoli, the contingent’s Commanding Officer, would make himself available for an interview with the Corriere Canadese.
TORONTO – I parrocchiani di San Davide a Maple celebrano 15 anni di dedizione: Un addio al loro amato parroco…
TORONTO – C’è grande attesa a Trenton, Ontario, per lo show delle Frecce Tricolori, in programma il 29 e 30 giugno in occasione del Quinte International Airshow 2024…