In occasione del Canada Day, ristampiamo una versione modificata di una presentazione fatta al Comitato per il Patrimonio della Camera dei Comuni, il 31 maggio 2016, dal nostro editore e dal signor Dan Montesano. Tutti i dati, salvo diversa indicazione, si riferiscono al 2016. Gli scopi e le sfide che i media in terza lingua devono affrontare non sono più semplici, oggi – anche con l’implementazione della legge C-18. I risultati delle elezioni di Toronto St. Paul’s mostrano, in parte, cosa succede quando i governi ignorano il loro elettorato. – E. …
TORONTO – There is great anticipation in Trenton, Ontario, for the Frecce Tricolori show, scheduled for 29 and 30 June on the occasion of the Quinte International Airshow 2024. →
On the occasion of Canada Day, we reprint an edited version of a presentation made to the House of Commons Heritage Committee, May 31st, 2016, by Corriere Canadese’s Publisher, Hon. Joe Volpe, and Mr. Dan Montesano. All figures, unless otherwise noted are from 2016. The purposes and challenges facing 3rd language media have not improved. The election results in Toronto S. Paul’s show, in part, what happens when governments ignore their electorate. – Ed. →
TORONTO – There is little to add about the event which the Consulate General of Toronto and the Centre for Culture sponsored at the ROM, Sunday evening, which our own Mariella Policheni had not already covered in her interview with prof. Olga Zorzi-Pugliese, June 21, 2024 (Il ROM porta la firma italiana: conferenza di Olga Pugliese sul mosaico del museo). More than three hundred people jammed the Theatre at the ROM to hear the “story behind the story”: how humble workers and artisans from Italy contributed to the cultural enhancement of Toronto’s (and Canada’s) burgeoning society.
VANCOUVER – It’s Italian Heritage Month in Canada, and there are initiatives in the name of ‘Italianness’ taking place almost every day throughout the country. One of these took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the initiative of Marzia Molatore, a well-known Italian-Canadian chef, creator of the “Bella Cibo” brand and author of the book “Cooking With Mamma Marzia” which had great success in Canada and beyond. →