TORONTO – Since Donald Trump, soon to be sworn in as President of the USA, is unaccustomed to apologizing, whether he needs to or not, I will do so for myself and everyone else. For those who read our opinion piece on trade ramifications implied in Trumpian musings (read here), the Corriere Canadese, and I, were wrong.
TORONTO – Un ex ambasciatore del Canada in Italia, estasiato dall’opportunità di rivestire l’incarico, ha confidato di sapere davvero poco delle aspettative che il Canada potrebbe avere nei confronti del suo incarico. Un altro ha affermato che durante il suo mandato la questione principale era aumentare la consapevolezza dell’esistenza del Canada…
TORONTO – A former Ambassador of Canada to Italy, ecstatic that he had the opportunity to occupy the post, confided that he knew truly little about the expectations Canada might have of his duties. Another offered that during his tenure the main issue was to raise awareness that Canada exists.
TORONTO – Ora che la questione dei numeri si è conclusa, il significato della vittoria di Trump comincia a prendere piede. Persino il Newsnetwork della CNN, i suoi reporter in onda e la falange di suoi “esperti” sembrano rassegnati alle nuove realtà. Queste assomigliano alle “profezie che si autoavverano” diffuse dalle squadre allarmiste del vasto serbatoio della CNN di autodefiniti progressisti, sostenitori del movimento “chiunque tranne Trump”, prima delle elezioni…
TORONTO – Now that the number crunching has ended, the significance of Trump’s victory is beginning to take hold. Even CNN Newsnetwork and its on-air reporters and phalanx of “experts” seem to be resigned to the new realities, and these resemble the “self-fulfilling prophesies” spread by the fear-mongering cadre of CNN’s vast reservoir of self-defined progressive advocates for ‘anyone but Trump’ movement, prior to the election.