Category: Education Matters

CORRIERE CANADESE / Oggi sarebbe il Remembrance Day, ma… quasi nessuno in Canada studia la Storia

TORONTO – Oggi sarebbe il Remembrance Day, giorno in cui si ricordano le persone che hanno combattuto e sono morte per proteggere il Canada nelle guerre passate. Sarebbe, perché c’è un problema: moltissimi canadesi non hanno la più pallida idea di quali siano queste guerre. C’è infatti un nuovo sondaggio dell’Ipsos – condotto per conto di Historica Canada, organizzazione benefica educativa nota soprattutto per l’iniziativa didattica degli “Heritage Minutes” – che evidenzia… l’ignoranza di molti canadesi in materia di storia del proprio Paese (e di storia in generale)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

It “would be” Remembrance Day, but… almost no one in Canada studies history

TORONTO – Tomorrow, 11 November, would be Remembrance Day, the day we remember the people who fought and died to protect Canada in past wars. That would be, because there’s a… problem: a lot of Canadians don’t have the faintest idea what these wars are. In fact, there is a new survey by Ipsos – conducted on behalf of Historica Canada, an educational charity known above all for its “Heritage Minutes” educational initiative – which highlights… the ignorance of many Canadians regarding the history of their own country (and history in general). 

Visa uncertainty, semester lost for thousands of international students in Canada

TORONTO – Thousands of international students who were supposed to study in Ontario will miss the fall semester, after Ottawa announced cuts to study permits in Canada, due to “excessive pressures on public services” and a “shortage of accommodation”, both due to “too many presences” of foreigners in the country (this is the main justification given by the federal government).