TORONTO – The kindest thing one can say about some of The Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) Trustees is that they are preparing for election day October 24, 2022. Everything they say and do must be seen through a political lens.
TORONTO – Ieri sera, sono uscito dalla riunione del Toronto Catholic District School Board con diverse impressioni da condividere in particolare con i nostri 177.000 residenti di Toronto che si identificano etnicamente come italiani; più in generale con i circa 1.000.000 residenti di Toronto che sono teoricamente cattolici e, infine, con altri fiduciari dei consigli scolastici dei distretti cattolici dell’Ontario…
TORONTO – I came away from last night’s Meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board with several impressions to share specifically with our 177,000 Toronto residents who self-identify ethnically as Italian; more generally with the roughly 1,000,000 Torontonians who are nominally Catholic, and finally with other Catholic District School Board Trustees in Ontario.
TORONTO -La regione di Halton comprende comunità consolidate e relativamente ricche come Oakville e Burlington mescolate con cittàdine suburbane della classe media economicamente confortevoli, più nuove, come Acton, Georgetown, Halton Hills e Milton…
TORONTO -Halton Region encompasses relatively wealthy, established communities like Oakville and Burlington mixed with economically comfortable, newer, suburban middle-class towns like Acton, Georgetown, Halton Hills and Milton.