TORONTO – The Provincial elections has been “sleep-inducing”, except for the momentary turbulence created by Stephen Lecce’s association with Sigma Chi, the University fraternity club noted for its induction ceremonies requiring drunkenness, drug abuse, assault, sexual assault and rape, regardless of gender (activities that have led to the dissolution of some of its chapters).
TORONTO – La riunione speciale di lunedì (altrimenti nota come riunione urgente) del Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), convocata per deliberare e prendere una decisione su un rapporto del Commissario per l’Integrità (IC), come richiesto dalla legge, non si è svolta come previsto…
TORONTO – Monday’s special (otherwise known as urgent) meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), convened to deliberate and make a determination on a Report by the Integrity Commissioner (IC), as required by law, did not turn out as planned.
TORONTO – Mentre questo articolo si sviluppa, vi chiederete se dovreste ridere o piangere. Scegliete quest’ultima opzione perché almeno potrete cominciare a capire quanto siano esposti alla cattiva volontà altrui i nostri beni socio-culturali, soprattutto quando si tratta di coloro a cui affidiamo la cura dei nostri figli…
TORONTO – As this article unfolds, you will ask yourself whether you should laugh or cry. Choose the latter because you can at least begin to understand how exposed to ill will our socio-cultural assets are, especially when those to whom we entrust the care of our children is concerned.