Category: Education Matters

Che i trustee rispondessero ai cittadini che servono

TORONTO – Il dibattito morale ed etico relativo alla responsabilità del trustee sembra essere una questione sempre presente. Il lavoro non è facile. Sono funzionari eletti pubblicamente con un compito per rappresentare gli interessi dei loro elettori. Gli amministratori dei vari consigli scolastici cattolici in Ontario sono responsabili nei confronti di coloro che servono, mentre allo stesso tempo, sostengono la protezione, la conservazione e la promozione del sistema educativo cattolico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Holding trustees accountable to the public they serve

The moral and ethical debate pertaining to trustee accountability appears to be an ever-present issue. The job is not an easy one. They are publicly elected officials with a job to represent the interests of their constituents. For Catholic school board trustees in Ontario, they are accountable to those they serve, while at the same time, advocating for the protection, preservation and promotion of the Catholic education system.

Parents have free will to decide where their children will be educated. While several factors may influence that choice, those who chose to enrol their children in the Catholic School System, do so with purpose. (more…)

HCDSB revisits motion to fly the Pride flag this June

Trustees will gather to vote again on whether to fly the Pride flag at Halton’s Catholic schools this June. The matter will re-surface for discussion (January 18) at the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) meeting. The issue of hoisting the Pride flag outside Catholic schools has been a controversial topic throughout Catholic schools in Ontario. The HCDSB is not exempt from such debate. (more…)