Category: Education Matters

Board Chair position up for grabs at the TCDSB

It is that time of year when the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) decides who will hold the position of Chair and Vice-Chair. Trustees will soon make that decision at the Board meeting on November 25. After serving two years as Board Chair, Joseph Martino confirmed to the Corriere that he will not seek the position.

However, the position is a sought after; several Trustees are vying for the spot. (more…)

Uno tsunami inarrestabile nella politica scolastica: i genitori sanno meglio di tutti

TORONTO – Quale strana società consente ad un candidato con una carica politica di dichiara che “i genitori non sanno nulla di educazione, quindi dovrebbero stare lontani dall’educazione dei propri figli nelle scuole”? Non sto parlando del Canada, ma dell'”elefante” della porta accanto negli USA. Preparatevi; quello che succede lì di solito serve di modello ruolo per noi canadesi. E’ già successo in Virginia, e prossimamente qui… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>

An educational “buzz saw” in US politics: parents do know best

In which weird society does a candidate for political office declare that parents know nothing about education so they should stay away from the education of their own children in schools? I am not talking about Canada, but the “elephant” next door in the USA. Brace yourself; what happens there usually spills over. It started in Virginia – parents had had enough.  (more…)