TORONTO – I genitori sono stufi! Ieri si sono radunati fuori da Queen’s Park per esprimere le loro gravi preoccupazioni sulla riorganizzazione delle classi. Si oppongono ai cambiamenti che aumentano il numero di studenti per classe e comportano maggiori rischi per la salute e la sicurezza dei bambini in classe…
TORONTO – Minister Lecce’s (in the pic) allies at the school board level are falling like flies, or so it seems. Trustees at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) were compelled to distance themselves from Lecce’s human rights agenda last Thursday and ask him to pull them out of the quicksand of Covid-related problems with respect to staffing, class sizes and health issues. They sent him a polite, cavilling, letter begging for more money ($42, 000, 000 by our estimate). (more…)
Parents are fed up! Today, they rallied outside of Queen’s Park to express their grave concerns over the reorganization of classes. They oppose changes that increase the number of students per class and pose greater risks to the health and safety of children in the classroom.
TORONTO – Un’altra manifestazione di protesta. Alle 10 di questa mattina i genitori dei ragazzi che frequentano le scuole del Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) si raduneranno davanti a Queen’s Park per esprimere in modo chiaro e inequivocabile il proprio disappunto per l’aumento del numero di studenti per classe che entra in vigore proprio oggi…
TORONTO – Another protest demonstration. At 10am tomorrow the parents of the children attending the schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) will gather in front of Queen’s Park to express clearly and unequivocally their disappointment at the increase in the number of students per class that comes into force tomorrow. A move, this, which immediately sent the parents of the boys who already last week organized demonstrations in front of numerous elementary schools of the Catholic school board of the city into a rage: no to “chicken coop” classes, they repeated loudly, no to classes with 31 students. (more…)