Category: Education Matters

TDSB: ensino virtual ou presencial, famílias têm até meados de agosto para decidir

Por Mariella Policheni – Video: Luis Aparicio

No seguimento da decisão do governo do Ontário de permitir que para o ano letivo de 2021-2022 as famílias escolham entre o ensino presencial e o ensino à distância, o Conselho Escolar do Distrito de Toronto (TDSB) informou os pais que a decisão não precisará de ser tomada antes do meio do mês de Agosto. (more…)

টিডিএসবি সেপ্টেম্বরে শারীরিক উপস্থিতিতে ক্লাসের পরিকল্পনা করছে

টরন্টো, মে ২০: আসছে সেপ্টেম্বরে টরন্টো ডিস্ট্রিক্ট স্কুল বোর্ড (টিডিএসবি) কিভাবে তাদের শিক্ষা কার্যক্রম পরিচালনা করবে, সে বিষয়ে ইতিমধ্যে বার্তা পাঠাতে শুরু করেছে। তারই সর্বশেষ একটি আজ পাঠিয়েছে, যাতে শিক্ষার্থীরাসহ স্টাফ ও অভিভাবকদের কৌতুহলোদ্দীপক প্রশ্ন সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে সবিশেষ আলোকপাত করেছে। (more…)

TCDSB and Cardinal headed for another clash

TORONTO – A survey on gender and sexual orientation will be conducted among grade 9 school children at all Catholic schools in Toronto. This is what was proposed during the last meeting of the board. The Archdiocese did not like the proposal and ruled against it. Criticisms were also drawn from Teresa Pierre of the ” Parents as First Educators ” association. “While collecting student data can provide useful information, caution is needed on how this collection is carried out. Catholic schools must refrain from asking children about their sexual identity and orientation.  This is a practice that could confuse children; it raises privacy issues and concerns about parental involvement ”.

In the next edition of Corriere Canadese, we will publish a complete report on the matter.