Optional distance learning for the entire 2021-22 school year and $2 billion in new aid to Ontario school boards. This is the announcement by the Minister of Education Stephen Lecce. (more…)
Distance learning is here to stay another year or maybe more. Education Minister Stephen Lecce’s announcement that online teaching will be an option in all Ontario schools from September was not welcomed. (more…)
TORONTO – Foreign language teaching programs in Catholic schools are under attack again. Not that it is a big surprise, as they attempt to eliminate International Languages (“IL”) cyclically returns to Ontario’s various school boards: it’s like tax season or allergy in the spring. (more…)
Katolik Okul Kurullarındaki “muhalifler” tarafından güvene dayalı yükümlülüklerin ihlali, idari yetersizlik, şüpheli etik ve kurumsal görevlerin bariz şekilde haksız ihlallerininden olusan karmasiklik buyuyor. (more…)
TORONTO – Sempre que participo (virtual ou pessoalmente) das reuniões do Conselho Escolar Católico do Distrito de Toronto, imagino-me na plateia de um teatro para assistir a apresentação da obra cômica de Moliére, Tartufo. (more…)