Article by the Hon. Joe Volpe –
Tcdsb Mahkemede: Hayat durmaksiz bir fikir alis verisidir
Yazar: Joe Volpe — Tcdsb in court: Life is a constant exchange of ideas and points of views
TORONTO – Fikirlerin sadece mahkemede cozulucekse konusmanin hic bir faydasi yok. Bu durumda, idolojiler para, maliyet ve haklarla olculmek zorunda kaliyor. O noktada, kisi artik fikir alis verisi yapamaz hale geliyor. Ornegin, katolik egitimciler kamu tarafindan finanse edilen kurumlarin varliklarinin ozunu korumaya ve gelistirmeye haklarinin olmadigini dusunen kisiler tarafindan zor duruma sokulur oldu. Başka bir deyişle, senin kendi cabanla elde ettigin bi hak, senden daha guclu bir ses tarafinda elinden kolayca alinabilir. Acik konusmak gerekirse Bunun tek nedeni sadece bu kisilerin senin cocukalrini yetistirmek istedigin sosyal yapiya karsi bir antilpatileri olmasidir.
[GTranslate]A boom of infections. Never before so many cases of Covid-19 in Ontario schools as yesterday: 409 cases of which 333 are students, 75 teachers and one is a non-teaching staff member. From 921 to 997 schools where there is currently an outbreak of the virus while schools closed rise from 44 to 48. (more…)
TORONTO – You know that there is no longer any use in talking if your views can only be resolved before a Court of Law. In that event, ideology is measured and quantified in terms of Rights and Money/Cost. At that point, one is no longer an exchange of ideas and points of view. (more…)