TORONTO – In theory, the provincial government, through its Minister of Education (currently Stephen Lecce) drives the Education agenda. It proposes enabling legislation, and, through its departmental officials, structures the Regulations.
TORONTO – Sta montando la rivolta dei genitori. “Si piegano ai desideri dei lobbisti per i promotori di identità sessualizzate, ma si rifiutano di incontrare delegazioni di genitori con bambini nelle scuole. Ne abbiamo abbastanza. Ne abbiamo abbastanza delle loro distorsioni del curriculum che danneggiano i nostri valori familiari. Lasciamo che i nostri figli siano bambini!”. A parlare è Nicole, che ha contattato il Corriere Canadese per esprimere indignazione per ciò che i lobbisti finanziati dal governo hanno indotto il loro consiglio scolastico a fare…
TORONTO – A parent revolt is swelling. “They bend to the wishes of the lobbyists for promoters of sexualized identities, but they refuse to meet with delegations of parents with children in the schools. We have had enough. We have had enough of their distortions of the curriculum that damage our family values. Let our kids be kids!”.
TORONTO – If you are a parent in the York Catholic District School Board (50,000 + students, according to its website), you are about to be kicked to the curbside. You will have company: the Catholic Church will have been “booted” to the same sideline when it comes to institutions entrusted with the education of your children.
TORONTO – If the 102 candidates for the mayor’s chair in Toronto signifies anything, it may be that we are prepared to overlook the obvious until the dam bursts. Then everyone heads for the lifejackets.